A few readings (from a NYC English learner, with love)

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  As an English learner, reading in English has belonged to my regular homework since last year, when I moved in the States. It was such a pain first, but hopefully it has become more natural. Thank you Hunger games, for being so easy to read and the kind of story whose you need to know how it ends up. It was the first English book I devoured within a few days. Since then the language barrier has turned lighter and lighter.

I have been reading slate.com for a while, NYT for Breaking news stuff (Sandy Hurricane, Election day), having a glance at Gawker, Salon, and the Daily beast sometimes (the conservative point of view of the latter sounds somewhat original after a feast of nyt and slate’s articles).

I had a relapse in French, and started reading Dany laferrière’s L’énigme du retour but it did not last long (I found the book boring, or I might have been missing English language after all. Or may be I should not have met the author, for he appeared so ordinary to me – what a writer should not ever be). 

Then I subscribed to Harper’s – good choice, perfect place to read about interesting American Authors. Liberal. Smart. “Cold” news (truly refreshing after too many hours in the Internet hot tub). I tried the New York a few months ago, but I was not ready yet back then and I freaked out. I should try again soon.

There I heard about Ursula K Le Guin. I was intrigued by one of her book, The left hand of darkness. I loved the title at first sight - I am left handed ; I loved the genre – science fiction – and the theme raised – gender identity. The novel indeed takes place in a world where everyone is both male and female, where everyone can possible be pregnant, where everyone fuck and get fucked meanwhile). 

Falling asleep while reading the Unfinished Nation,this American history book I borrowed at Butler’s. That sounded like a good idea back then, and I actually have to learn the big historical landmarks of the country I live in. But it is hard to stay awake in front of a row of facts dully and neutrally reported. I need a point of view, I need fiction to stay tuned.

 Ouch, I need a break with literature: let’s catch up with Dexter’s season 7. Time spiral, 1, 2 ,3. Done.

I enjoy working for an university, having an unlimited access to a high standard and convenient library, getting back to the old fashioned and obsolete way of getting books: walking to the library, wandering about the stacks, picking up the books you were primarily looking for, and most of time other ones. This morning I borrowed Philip Roth’s Letting go, Dos Passos’ The great days, and Richard Brautigan Trout fishing in America. Can’t wait to start the latter.


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<br /> <br /> <br /> HARKIS LES CAMPS DE LA HONTE<br /> <br /> lien vers http://www.dailymotion.com/vid [...] e-vie_news<br /> En 1975, quatre hommes cagoulés et armés pénètrent dans la mairie de Saint Laurent des<br /> arbres, dans le département du Gard. Sous la menace de tout faire sauter à la dynamite, ils obtiennent après 24 heures de négociations la dissolution du camp de harkis proche du village. A<br /> l'époque, depuis 13 ans, ce camp de Saint Maurice l'Ardoise, ceinturé de barbelés et de miradors, accueillait 1200 harkis et leurs familles. Une discipline militaire, des conditions hygiéniques<br /> minimales, violence et répression, 40 malades mentaux qui errent désoeuvrés et l' isolement total de la société française. Sur les quatre membres du commando anonyme des cagoulés, un seul<br /> aujourd'hui se décide à parler.<br /> 35 ans après Hocine raconte comment il a risqué sa vie pour faire raser le camp de la honte.<br /> Nous sommes retournés avec lui sur les lieux, ce 14 juillet 2011. Anne Gromaire, Jean-Claude Honnorat.<br /> Sur radio-alpes.net - Audio -France-Algérie : Le combat de ma<br /> vie (2012-03-26 17:55:13) - Ecoutez: Hocine Louanchi joint au<br /> téléphone...émotions et voile de censure levé ! Les Accords d'Evian n'effacent pas le passé, mais l'avenir pourra apaiser les blessures. (H.Louanchi)<br /> Interview du 26 mars 2012 sur radio-alpes.net<br />